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Strategic Action Plan for the National Identity Scheme Safeguarding your identityForeword by the Minister of State for Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration; the Under-Secretary of State for Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration; and the CEO of the Identity and Passport Service
This Action Plan sets out how we plan to deliver the National Identity Scheme.
Comment: So, nine months after forcing the Act onto the statute books, the best the Home Office can up with is a 'plan' of how it 'intends' to go about imposing state ID control. No detailed specifications, no ... Reply?.
The Scheme will provide a comprehensive and secure way of managing the personal identity data of all those who legally reside or work in the UK.
Comment: But hang on- won't most personal identity data be managed by people for themselves? Surely IPS need concern itself only with the minimum necessary for the state to do its job. This sounds ominously universal, ... Reply?.
Our ambition for the Scheme can be simply summarised: making good choices easier, bad choices harder.
An effective National Identity Scheme will do that, by delivering benefits in a number of key areas.
Specifically it will:
Comment: I'm amazed that they would be so explicit. This is clearly a statement about SOCIAL CONTROL.
'Managing' your personal identity data, not for your own good or because it is the duty of the government ... Reply?.
Comment: One of the current problems with illegal workers is that there appears to be a lack of resources available to combat it.
Also, it seems to me that the focus of the IND changes from illegal ... Reply?.
Comment: Wrong.
If by "effective identity management", the Home Office means constant checking of everyone's ID, for pretty much everything, then it is conceivable that - at huge cost, and with a massive ... Reply?.
Comment: The ID will NOT stop terrorism, forget the fakes that will appear most of the 'terrorists' will have legitimate cards, so how is this going to stop them!
ID's were removed after the war following ... Reply?.
Comment: That statement is so misleading it counts as a deliberate falsehood.
See "Andy Burnham's "£1.7 billon identity fraud" figure is as false as the previous £1.3 billion one" ... Reply?.
Comment: How much of a reduction in this mythical £1.7 billion a year figure is the Government claiming will actually be reduced by this scheme ?
It is one of the secrets about the scheme which they ... Reply?.
Comment: For the sake of corroboration...
A similar breakdown of this figure is also detailed at silicon.com :
which concludes
"When all these ... Reply?.
Comment: Of course there is also the possiblilty of an increase in fraud. It is going to be much more profitable for the criminal when to gain any credence he only has to produce one form of identity and the person ... Reply?.
Comment: This could equally read:
"become a key weakness exploited by criminals and terrorists: the issue of state identities plays an increasing part in illegal activity, with sometimes devastating ... Reply?.
Comment: If the problem is the crime, is there evidence that this is the best and most cost-effective solution? Reply?.
Comment: Does Mrs Jones want to know that this person claiming to be John Smith is in fact John Smith, or that this person claiming to be John Smith isn’t a child abuser? I suspect the latter. Does Blair misapprehend ... Reply?.
Comment: It won't just be your passport...
If you work with children, or volunteer, before too long you'll find that the state requires you not only to have to submit to a 'police check' but to submit ... Reply?.
Comment: Do you really think this 'joining up' by the "wider public sector" will be optional for you? Try buying a TV with cash and no ID today [you can't] and that's what it will be like for everything you buy ... Reply?.
In delivering these benefits, we will:
Comment: More misleading numbers? Seventy percent of the combined passport and ID card - out of the total of 93 pounds (or has this now gone up?), 66 (the cost of a passport) is how many percent? Seventy-ish, perhaps? ... Reply?.
Comment: Henrietta, if I recall correctly the Government has given us the following information:
1. the cost of the scheme is estimated to be £5.4bn over ten years; 2. 80% of the population have ... Reply?.
Comment: I think IPS will find it extremely difficult to come through this process with its good customer service reputation intact. I think in hindsight this aim will appear overoptimistic. Reply?.
The Scheme is a long-term programme, creating a comprehensive identity management infrastructure for the
UK. We have already begun work on laying its foundations.
As with any such long-term plan, the Scheme will evolve over time. The plan we are publishing today sets out
our current intentions and focuses on what we plan to deliver between now and 2010. As with any undertaking
of this scale, there is still much detailed planning work to be done, and we shall learn many lessons as we start
to deliver. We shall adjust the details of this Action Plan as required by experience, and we shall keep the
public informed by publishing updated plans periodically.
In delivering the Scheme, the Identity and Passport Service is working very closely with the Immigration
and Nationality Directorate of the Home Office, with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and with
UKvisas to support their identity management requirements. Indeed, much of what we shall be delivering
in 2007 and 2008 will be in support of the Government's commitments to transform the immigration
system. The Borders, Immigration and Identity Action Plan, which is being published simultaneously with this
document, sets out how the Government will use the National Identity Scheme to strengthen our borders and
to enforce compliance within the UK. We shall deliver the first ID cards for British citizens in 2009.
We recognise that our ambitions for the National Identity Scheme are considerable. They reflect the scale of
the benefits that are achievable.
To return to our opening point. Good policy, well implemented, makes bad choices much more difficult. The
Scheme will do that. But the great promise of the Scheme is that it makes good things easier. A really effective
identity management scheme is central to aligning public services around the citizen and realising the goal of
truly joined-up and personalised government.
Comment: It would help we to understad what they're tring to say if we had some examples. Eg do they mean
Bad choices: - to enter the UK illegaly - to work here when youre meant to be a tourist - ... Reply?.
Liam Byrne MP, Minister of State for Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration
Joan Ryan MP, Under-Secretary of State for Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration
James Hall, CEO, Identity and Passport Service
Executive summary
This document explains what the National Identity
Scheme is, what it will deliver and when.
The Scheme will provide a comprehensive and secure
way of recording personal identity information,
storing it and making it possible for you to use it if
you want to prove your identity. It will be available
for all those over 16 years old who legally reside or
work in the UK. Specifically, it includes biometric
visas and biometric documents for foreign nationals,
enhanced passports, and ID cards for British citizens.
Comment: ".... making it possible for you to use it if you want to prove your identity."
Sounds almost as though it will be optional and without compunction doesn't it. I get by without 'proving' my ... Reply?.
The Scheme will be implemented carefully and
securely and we will take an incremental approach to
getting it right. We have focused much effort on
reducing risk and have developed contingency plans
to cover potential delays. The overall timetable for
delivering the components set out in this Action Plan
will be determined by our total resources: central
funding, efficiency savings and income from
charging. It will also need to take account of
technical and commercial feasibility.
Comment: Do not overook social acceptability. If it fails at that level (as I suspect it will) then it is a total failure. Reply?.
So, while continuing to provide excellent customer
service, we will strike a balance to ensure that best
value for money is obtained, without compromising
the Scheme's integrity.
Comment: I'm just SO FAR from believing that these are the words we will end up using. If I could "sell futures" based on some measure of the waste of money and the dreadful customer experience, I would. And this ... Reply?.
We are also committed to meeting European and
worldwide initiatives to make passports ever more
secure, including the use of fingerprint biometrics.
The timing of these changes will depend on
balancing a number of factors, including costs, risk,
the outcome of pilots and development across the EU
and internationally.
As part of this, we will make use of pilots, which will
inform and refine our thinking as to the best way of
rolling out services as the Scheme develops.
The remaining chapters of this document set out how
we do all this in more detail, as follows:
At the back, there is a list of abbreviations and
a summary grid of actions which brings together
in one place the key dates and activities from
the document.
The National Identity Scheme
The National Identity Scheme, underpinned
by the Identity Cards Act 2006, and other
important legislation such as the Data
Protection Act 1998, will provide a
comprehensive identity management service for
all those who legally reside or work in the UK.
Over time, this will include all British citizens
over 16 and foreign nationals (including
European Economic Area nationals) in the UK.
2. The Scheme has five major parts.
Comment: Having been born and lived in this 'FREE' society for six decades (and counting) and having found that this 'so-called' "Peoples Democracy" has become more and more intrusive, oppressive and basically ... Reply?.
Comment: "Defraud" seems an odd word to use here. Doesnt it mean get money or something valuable from someone by trickery? But we're not getting anything of value here, we're just being forced through an unwelcome ... Reply?.
Comment: It will be absolutely nothing like the way passports are renewed every 10 years. What complete and utter bullsh*t. Sure they will change passport processes to make them more like the ID ... Reply?.
Comment: No, the Commissioner reports to the Home Secretary - and only after the SoS has taken out the embarrassing bits will the Commissioner's report be presented to Parliament.
Read ... Reply?.
Comment: Or is this a change? I suppose it cant be because this is just a policy paper and the Act is a law. Reply?.
3. Our plans set out in this document
for delivering the Scheme show how this
will be done, building on what we have
delivered already.
4. The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) has been
reviewing over the last few months its plans
for delivery of the National Identity Scheme.
This is to ensure an integrated approach with
the Home Office's work on securing borders,
to minimise delivery risk, to ensure value for
money and to accelerate the introduction of
the Scheme's benefits.
5. The Scheme will require people, processes,
premises and technology. We will maximise the
potential of such resources already available
across government. This use of what is already in
place is in line with Government policy, both in
terms of sharing resources across government
and in terms of delivering more `joined-up',
personalised and effective services to customers.
6. This chapter explains, in more detail, how
we intend to deliver the Scheme, including
using resources that the Government has
already created. Figure 2 expands on Figure 1
(see page 6) to illustrate the key elements that
need to be delivered.
Application and enrolment, customer services and document productionApplication and enrolment
7. For British citizens, when you apply for an ID
card it will be a very similar experience to how
you will apply for a passport. Your application
details will be processed and you will be asked
to come to a local office, where your biometrics
will be enrolled.
Comment: As Phil noted above, there's all the difference in the world between how we'llapply for a passport now and what's planned for the future. Reply?.
8. We are already putting in place an expanded
IPS office network. We are opening 69 new
local offices to meet and interview first-time
applicants for passports, and to prepare for
recording biometrics. These offices will open in
2007 and will be used for the National Identity
Scheme. Where the network of enrolment
centres needs to be further expanded, we will
first seek to use high street offices that are
already used by central and local government.
We will also look at options for the private
sector providing outlets. At these offices, the
systems which staff use to help people applying
for their passports will be used to handle ID card
applications for British citizens.
Comment: Has anyone calculated the 'carbon footprint' that the registration process will incur by requiring visits to widely spaced centres, and related it to the Government's statements on reducing the country's ... Reply?.
9. We will be using new tools to do background
checking against identity information from other
parts of government and the private sector.
Particularly important is improving our ability
to check people's identity details against other
data within government, most obviously data
held by the Department for Work and Pensions
(DWP), which covers the vast majority of the
UK population. In 2007, checks to validate
identity will start being done against the
electronic records of deaths (held by DWP) and
naturalisation (held by the Immigration and
Nationality Directorate (IND)), followed
progressively by data on marriages and births,
and matching against identity information on
other relevant government department databases
from 2008 onwards.
Comment: Here's where the credit-referencing agencies (which are already way ahead of where government is) come in, as well as the statistical specialists. There's so much that can be done here - this is why we ... Reply?.
Customer services10. We will deliver customer services in a range of ways (e.g. online, by telephone) and these will include handling changes to your personal details, correcting data when necessary (for example if you change your address, or if you lose your card), and allowing you to review your National Identity Register (NIR) information.
Comment: If IPS tries to call me a customer for its ID Scheme they may get an irate response.
Customers have a choice. It was a such a pleasure this week to cancel all payments to Sky. They delay, procrastinate, ... Reply?. Production and delivery11. We will produce ID cards for British citizens and other identity documents, such as a British passport. After secure production, the applicant's personal details will be written onto the chip in each document and electronically `signed' to ensure it cannot be modified. For passports, production will continue to use the existing contract, which will be replaced when it expires. The secure delivery contract for passports is currently being retendered.
12. In the shorter term, for card production we will
seek to use secure production facilities that the
UK government already has in place. Going
forward, we will secure new capability to
produce cards in the medium to long term.
The National Identity Register (NIR)
13. There are already several government databases
that hold biographical information used to
identify people. The real step change in the
National Identity Scheme is that biometrics,
such as fingerprints, will be recorded and linked
to a single, confirmed biographical record
(covering name, address, etc.). Biometrics will
tie an individual securely to a single unique
identity. They are being used to prevent people
using multiple or fraudulent identities.
Comment: I wish they'd acknowledge that there are perfectly valid uses for multiple identities. It would give me a sense of dealing with people who understand there is more to life than terrorism and paedophilia. Reply?.
14. The capacity to record and link biometric and
biographical details, along with administrative
data (for example, details of the card issued to a
person), in the NIR, is laid out in the Identity
Cards Act 2006. The Act details specifically the
information that can be recorded in the NIR.
15. These sets of information biometric,
biographical and administrative do not all
need to be held in a single system. In fact, for
security reasons, and to make best use of the
strengths of existing systems, it makes sense to
store them separately. Specifically:
Comment: These are run by Siemens and seem to have been doing OK after a rocky start. I dont understand why our passports have to ost so much more than everyone else's. Are they better in some way, or is it just ... Reply?.
This separation is summarised in Figure 3.
16. On each of the three systems that hold NIR
information there will be other information that
is not part of the NIR. For example, the
biometric store will hold biometrics for children
aged between 11 and 16, in line with the EU
requirements for passports, but this information
is not part of the NIR; and the CIS technology
holds information specific to DWP's work,
which again is not part of the NIR.
17. As explained in Chapter 3, there will be a range
of shields and controls in place to ensure effective
separation of NIR information from this non-
NIR information, critically in terms of who can
see and who can change which information. This
will be subject to independent verification.
Identity checking services
18. ID cards will be widely used and part of
everyday life and we want to make sure we
design the Scheme to get the most out of them.
Comment: This point of view is so ID-Scheme-centric! And ID management should be user-centric or citizen-centric in design. That's government policy. If ID managment were thus designed, then I suspct the Scheme ... Reply?.
19. ID cards will be used to facilitate access to
many public services. This will be the case
throughout the country, as the Scheme is
UK-wide. Application, enrolment and the
storage of data in the NIR will be managed on
a UK-wide basis, in much the same way as
passport applications operate today. However,
the devolved administrations will have
responsibility for how the ID card is used to
gain access to those public services which are
their responsibility.
Comment: The Scots are going to love this. Particularly if the wee pretendy parliament highlights the uselessness of the loathsome token by giving it no role in access to public services. Reply?.
Key services
Authentication and identity verification: you will be able to present your card to give consent to having
your identity verified. There will be a number of ways of doing this, reflecting the importance of what you
want to do. Offering these different levels of identity check allows organisations to balance the level of
assurance of someone's identity with the investment they make to support this:
Comment: This wouldn't stop fraudsters using stolen ID cards, since people are surprisingly bad at checking photos. In a 1995 study University of Westminster researchers issued 44 students with four picture ID ... Reply?.
Comment: This would merely show that the card is not forged. It would not detect someone using a stolen card as their own - and there would be plenty of lost and stolen ID cards about. Even though most people guard ... Reply?.
Comment: The Action Plan talks of making ID cards compatible with Chip-and-PIN credit card terminals to make this check available in all shops. However, in May 2006 Shell garages temporarily suspended Chip-and-PIN ... Reply?.
Comment: Most identity fraud isn't conducted face-to-face, but over the 'phone or Internet, with no possibility of checking ID card photos. Internet Bank Smile told The Guardian in January 2003 that "When it comes ... Reply?.
Comment: Since the necessary electronic fingerprint readers would be expensive, they would only be used for high-value transactions. Although it would take criminals some effort to outwit them, it would be worth ... Reply?.
20. Initial identity checking services will be
available, to enable cardholders to prove their
identity easily, to get access to services, to prove
entitlement, and, for British citizens, to travel
within Europe using their ID card instead of a
passport. The key types of services that will be
offered are shown in the box on page 11. Not
all of these services may be available when ID
cards are initially launched, but they will
be introduced as the Scheme moves forward.
21. These services will be delivered by using cards
that we will issue securely, including through
the current passport-issuing business. The cards
will, like passports, contain a microprocessor
chip. The chip will hold data in line with
International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) recommendations, including a biometric
image of the bearer's face. This is important in
their use as travel documents, as they can be
used to cross other countries' borders.
22. When we record and store fingerprint biometrics
(all 10 fingerprints for each person), we store a
complete set in the NIR and a subset of these
will be recorded on the card or passport, in line
with ICAO recommendations. Again, this will
be important for travel, given the international
move to adopt fingerprints in travel documents.
Comment: So how does this square with the 3rd Principle of data protection, laid down in the Data Protection Act 1998 Schedule 1 ?
3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant ...Reply?.
Comment: Data Protection Act 1998 Schedule 1
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/ACTS/acts1998/80029--l.htm#sch1ptI Reply?.
23. Subject to reaching commercial agreements,
we also intend to make the ID card for British
citizens compatible with Chip and PIN card
readers. We have started work on this. We will
seek to work with the owners of the Chip and
PIN infrastructure in our feasibility work and
collaborate in piloting future identity-related
protocols and services.
24. Being sure we can make best use of ID card
technology in the future means working today
with a range of partners to refine the uses
of the Scheme.
25. We will enter into joint venture partnerships
with other parts of government and the private
sector to develop those identity checking services
that will be offered at the launch of the Scheme.
26. We expect to engage with the private sector to
encourage the innovative provision of an ever-
evolving set of identity checking services. All
services delivered will have oversight and
accreditation from IPS, to ensure the necessary
safeguards are in place.
Comment: "ever evolving set of identity checking services??" These start to sound like the ravings of an identity fetishist. We want efficient state services. We want to transact safely online. We dont want the ... Reply?.
27. In terms of initial services offered, the Passport
Validation Service (PVS) is a valuable platform
to be built upon. PVS is a service which
organisations can already use to check that a
British passport, which is presented to them as
proof of identity, has been issued validly and has
not been reported lost or stolen. For British
citizens, this means an assurance of their
identity; for business, a reduction in the
potential for fraud. For example, using PVS we
are already making it easier and more secure to
apply to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Agency (DVLA) for a driving licence, if you
have a recently issued passport.
28. At the end of September 2006, there were 18
different organisations using PVS, including
three high street banks, and IPS was handling
thousands of enquiries per week. PVS is
currently engaging with a large pool of
interested potential user organisations and will
continue to grow to maximise efficiency and
provide the best possible customer service.
Comment: Well bully for you. Should we buy shares in PVS? Sounds like a nice little monopoly.
I dont sense any grown-up communication about the level of fraudulent applications for driver licences, bank ... Reply?. Securing the National Identity Scheme
29. The success of the National Identity Scheme
in delivering its benefits relies on public
confidence, especially in the accuracy and
security of the information held in the National
Identity Register (NIR).
Comment: Is this assertion based on evidence?
I'd think public confidence will require a belief that the information is minimal and proportionate for the purposes envisaged. Reply?.
30. Effective security measures will be in place for
the entire Scheme. For example, ID cards and
passports will be produced and delivered under
appropriate levels of security, including the
necessary physical and electronic security
measures. However, key to the security of the
Scheme is the security of the NIR, and that is
what this chapter concentrates on.
Creating each person's NIR record from new, based on rigorous checking31. When a person applies to the Scheme, they provide a small set of biographical and biometric information. A range of background checks will be carried out, based on this information. For example, biographical details will be corroborated against private and public sector databases, such as those of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND). Biometrics will be checked against those of other people who have enrolled in the Scheme, to stop the same person applying twice under different identities. This corroborated information will be stored in the new NIR record.
Comment: My guess, based on hearsay only, is that these are two of the the least accurate databases you could find. If you want accuracy they'd do far better to head over to Experian and Equifax. But dont expect ... Reply?.
Effective checking when a person reports a change to their details or wants to look at their record
32. It is important that all customers can have access
to their record and tell us when, for example,
they have moved or changed names. But we need
to guard against fraudulent changes being
reported or fraudulent access being requested.
Comment: Important for you maybe. "Customers" wont give a damn, and the only way you'll incentivise them is with the draconian penalities. Reply?.
33. So we will put in place effective checks to make
sure that the person we are dealing with is who
they claim to be, before making any changes to
their NIR record or revealing information.
34. Also, the number of staff who will be able to see
the whole of a person's identity record or make
changes to it will be limited and fully security
vetted. For any such access by staff there will be
rigorous auditing, alerts and a range of technical
controls to guard against internal misuse of, or
fraudulent changes to, the NIR.
Comment: NO 'member of staff' should have the ability to see the whole of my record!
That there is any role within the system which can access complete records is a fundamental design flaw - and it *will* ... Reply?.
Comment: I think Phil is again right.
Who are these officials who can see the whole record - what sort of job title in what sort of organisation? Also I'd start to feel better about these ... Reply?. Holding each person's NIR record in separate, discrete parts
35. As described in Chapter 2, the information
in each person's NIR entry will be in several
parts, with each part being held on a separate
set of technologies:
36. This separation is important in guarding against
malicious or fraudulent damage to the NIR,
since it would require unauthorised and
undetected changes to these separate systems and
the corresponding card.
37. Each of these systems will have its own specific
security controls and integrity mechanisms.
Biometric information will be stored with very
tight security. We will build on our experience
with passports, where photographs have been
held for a number of years with no known
compromise or misuse of the images. Stringent
controls on access will be used to protect the
information held and all staff will be vetted
prior to employment.
Enforcing a clear separation
38. On each of the three systems that hold NIR
information, there will be other information
that is not part of the NIR. For example, the
biometric store will hold biometrics for children
aged between 11 and 16, in line with the EU
requirements for passports, but this information
is not part of the NIR. The CIS technology
holds information specific to DWP's work;
again, this is not part of the NIR.
39. There will be controls to enforce the clear
separation between NIR information and
information that is not part of the NIR. These
will be enforced at various technical levels and
will be supplemented by strict access controls to
determine which data can be seen by those with
the appropriate permission (e.g. security-cleared
Identity and Passport Service (IPS) staff).
40. Any information held that does not relate to the
NIR will not be part of the NIR and will not
be available to NIR users. Conversely, any NIR
information that does not relate to the needs of
other users of these systems, such as DWP staff,
will not be viewable or accessible in any way by
such staff.
Comment: Oh come on.
Taken to its logical conclusion, this means field- (not record-) level access control, also managed at some roles-based level across multiple linked (legacy) databases and agencies, ... Reply?. Making sure only authorised people and organisations can use NIR information
41. Security-cleared IPS staff will be responsible for
the running of the NIR and the authorised
provision of information from it. It will be a
criminal offence to tamper with the NIR, with
a maximum penalty of 10 years' imprisonment
for an unauthorised disclosure of information.
We will enforce these powers.
42. The Identity Cards Act 2006 allows for certain
NIR information to be provided, with a person's
consent, to an accredited organisation, for
example a bank. This could be to confirm an
ID cardholder's identity when opening a new
account. This may include information such as
their address, which is not shown on the face of
the card. IPS will be responsible for accrediting
all such organisations to ensure they and their
staff do not misuse these services. IPS will also
put in place rigorous security controls so that
only accredited organisations can use such
services and only in the way intended.
43. It is important to stress that no part of the
NIR will be directly connected to the Internet
or any public network. Any request for NIR
information will have to pass through a number
of intermediate systems and filters, to make sure
only authenticated and authorised requests can
get through. Further, very strong physical
security will be in place, to guard against the
risk of direct physical attack.
44. The National Identity Scheme is also intended
to support and enable the prevention and
detection of crime and safeguard national
security. NIR information may therefore be
provided from the NIR without an individual's
consent to the security services, the police and
HM Revenue & Customs. Again, IPS will
enforce strict controls to ensure any such access
can only happen when fully authorised.
45. It would also be possible, subject to
Parliamentary approval, for information to
be provided without consent to, for example,
government departments or other public bodies.
This might allow a person to report a change of
name or address to government once, rather than
the many times needed today.
Comment: ...which we promised we'd have sorted y 2005 and failed to.
This whole initiative would seem a lot less sinister if it were a government name & address service - a multi-channel customer helpdesk ... Reply?. Accrediting the NIR Overseeing the wider Scheme
48. Data storage in the NIR will meet the
requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998,
including customers' rights to see information
held about them in computer systems.
The operation of the Data Protection Act is
overseen by the independent Information
Commissioner, who has a statutory role to
protect personal information and legal powers
to enforce compliance with that Act.
Making sure the NIR's operation is secure49. Further, in terms of day-to-day integrity and security, two key expert groups will be put in place, building on the significant expertise that already exists within the Home Office.Supporting the use of biometrics50. We will put in place the skills and expertise to support large-scale use of biometric matching. Biometric technology identifies small percentages of what are known as `false matches' or `false non- matches'. These need expert human assessment to ensure that matches are being made correctly. For this, we will build on resources which currently exist within government.
Comment: In Parliament they have really cool coppers who can recognise all the MPs. And in my village post office they know who I am. That works really well. Reply?.
Counter-fraud, intelligence and enforcement51. We will enhance existing fraud and intelligence capabilities to counter attempted fraud and enforce the powers of the Identity Cards Act 2006 on those who attempt such activity.
Comment: ....thus makiong the world a better place even tho the prisons will be even more overcrowded. How big is this sort of problem now - why not tell us here? It's our money, and our society. We're not the ... Reply?.
Chapter 4: Delivering the National Identity Scheme
52. Improving the security and management
of identity has already started, and the
National Identity Scheme will build on
many enhancements and initiatives that are
well advanced at the Identity and Passport
Service (IPS), the Immigration and
Nationality Directorate (IND), the Foreign
and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and UKvisas.
We will also maintain the high levels of
customer service achieved over recent years
for the third year in a row, IPS topped the
independent Comparisat Customer Satisfaction
survey, ahead of organisations such as Amazon,
Asda, eBay, Marks and Spencer, and Tesco.
53. Figure 4 shows our recent major areas of
delivery. We also work closely with related
initiatives in other areas of government, in
particular those in IND, such as the Application
Registration Card (ARC). Since 2002, this
system has been recording fingerprint and facial
biometric data from asylum applicants in the
UK. We also work closely with the Iris
Recognition Immigration System (IRIS)
initiative, which since early 2006 has been
offering a quick way for registered travellers
to clear immigration at some UK airports.
Enhancing customer experience54. We have done the following to enhance customer experience:
Increased passport integrity55. We have done the following to increase passport integrity:
Comment: As Bob Blakley put it:
"The motivation for putting biometrics into passports is that better identification will help in "the war on terror". If the problem in the war on terror were preventing ...Reply?. Introduction of identity checking services56. We have done the following to introduce identity checking services:
57. Figure 5 shows how we are building on existing
successes to put the foundation for the Scheme
in place. Some examples of how we are doing
this are listed below.
Improving passport security and strengthening passport checks58. In mid 2007 we plan to commence a live pilot of interviewing first-time adult passport applicants.Biometrics required for visa applications59. We will do the following in relation to biometrics for non-EEA foreign nationals coming to the UK:
Comment: "SIX MONTHS" = policy change alert!
Parliament was told "three months" throughout the progress of the Bill. And 3 months is the period mentioned in the Explanatory Notes to the Act. ... Reply?.
60. We will do the following to improve identity
checking services:
Biometrics introduced for non-EEA foreign nationals already in the UK
61. We will do the following in relation to
biometrics for non-EEA foreign nationals:
2008: we will begin to issue biometrically-
enabled identity documents to foreign
nationals from the 169 nations outside the
EEA who are already in the UK and reapply
to stay here.
Identity cards62. We will do the following in relation to identity cards:
63. We are also committed to meeting European and
international initiatives to make passports ever
more secure, including the use of fingerprint
biometrics. The timing of these changes will
depend on balancing a number of factors,
including costs, risk, the outcome of pilots and
development across the EU and internationally.
2009 and beyond
64. The first ID cards will be issued to British
citizens in 2009. As the Scheme rolls out
thereafter, it will continue to evolve, with the
delivery of innovative services. There will be
increasing involvement from the private sector,
and growing numbers of people enrolled in the
Scheme. This will eventually lead to registration
being made compulsory (subject to
Parliamentary approval).
Biometrics65. When you enrol into the Scheme, your fingerprint biometrics (all 10 fingerprints) will be recorded and stored in the National Identity Register. A subset of these will be held on your ID card or passport, in line with International Civil Aviation Organization standards. The introduction of iris biometrics also remains an option.
Comment: Why did you drop the iris business? I mean, I'm glad that you did (unlike Prof Daugman who must have been disapointed) but did you ever share your thinking as to why it was not such a good idea? Reply?.
Comment: I can't believe that I'm going to have to submit to a humiliating fingerprinting process - makes me feel like criminal already!! Reply?.
Private sector66. As the Scheme grows, we will continue to engage with the private sector. The identity checking services that you will be able to use to prove your identity will grow in scale, and the range of channels through which they will be made available will also be increased. We expect the private sector to play a key role by driving innovation in the use of these services. Our first steps can be seen in our work on joint ventures (see Chapter 6).
Comment: Well I expect the private sector to
1. take a pretty sceptical and self-serving view as to the cost-effectiveness of your service and 2. to outmanoeuvre you pretty nimbly, especially ... Reply?. Take-up and compulsion
67. Our enrolment strategy will be to focus firstly
on target groups who stand to make most use of
ID cards, or to address specific risks, for example
where existing documents are abused.
68. It is the Government's policy that registration in
the National Identity Scheme should eventually
be compulsory for all those resident in the UK
who are over the age of 16. The Identity Cards
Act 2006 allows for the registering and issuing
of an ID card to be linked to the issuing
of official documents such as passports and
immigration documents. This means that we
can issue ID cards to a large proportion of the
population while managing the delivery risks.
For example, around 8 per cent of the adult
population receive a passport each year, but we
will never be able to issue everyone in the UK
with an ID card by this method. At some time
in the future, further primary legislation will be
laid before Parliament to provide the powers to
issue ID cards to the rest of the population.
Overseeing the National Identity Scheme
69. For British citizens, the National Identity
Scheme will be administered by the Identity and
Passport Service (IPS) on behalf of the Home
Secretary. IPS will be responsible for the data
held and for the provision of data from the
National Identity Register (NIR).
70. For foreign nationals (including both EEA and
non-EEA nationals), authentication, enrolment
and the production of documents will all
be carried out in the early stages by the
Immigration and Nationality Directorate
(IND), supported by IPS.
71. To deliver the Scheme, IPS will be commissioning
work from a range of organisations including the
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and
private sector companies.
Laws and regulations for the Scheme
72. The National Identity Scheme will be governed
by the Identity Cards Act 2006, immigration
legislation, the secondary legislation (regulations
and orders) made under the Identity Cards Act
2006 and approved by Parliament, and other
legislation (e.g. the Data Protection Act, etc.).
This includes regulations that will set the fees
to be charged and the requirements for applying
for ID cards. All of these regulations and orders
will be subject to Parliamentary scrutiny, which
will allow debate on the detailed proposals for
the Scheme.
73. The first secondary legislation will be an order
under Section 38 of the Identity Cards Act
2006. This will be placed before Parliament
in early 2007, and provides for verifying
information in passport applications. It enables
orders to be made specifying organisations that
may be required to provide information for this
purpose; this is necessary to ensure that IPS has
the ability to identify fraudulent passport
applications and guard against identity theft.
National Identity Scheme Commissioner
74. Appointing a commissioner to oversee the
operation of the National Identity Scheme is a
key safeguard of the Identity Cards Act 2006.
The Commissioner will be recruited by means
of an open competition, which will begin
significantly before the first ID card is issued:
there will be full and proper oversight from the
outset. We will ensure that the Commissioner
is in post before the first ID cards are issued
under the Identity Cards Act 2006. To ensure
independence, the Commissioner will not be
based in IPS. He or she will review the operation
of the Scheme, including the uses to which ID
cards are being put and the arrangements made
for securing the confidentiality and integrity
of information recorded in the NIR. The
Commissioner will make regular reports to
the Home Secretary, and these will be published
and laid before Parliament.
Comment: Sounds like a suitable role for a former Accenture partner perhaps...suit-wearing, confident, ready to listen (a bit) but perhaps fatally weak on technology Reply?.
Managing shared services
75. There are challenges inherent in operating a
shared service, where a single system meets the
needs of two or more organisations; this will be
the case with the NIR operating on Customer
Information System technology. We are working
with partners across government to ensure that
there are effective management and governance
arrangements in place for managing this shared
use of technology.
76. In order to effectively manage shared services,
the following arrangements will typically
be followed:
Comment: Who pays whom? Does IPS contract with DWP? And most of the work will be outsourced; what is the role of the private sector? There's something mealymouthed about this report....it feels like a damage-limitation ... Reply?.
The wider Scheme
77. Beyond the NIR, governance structures are
being developed to address the following:
Chapter 6: Next steps
78. The Scheme will evolve, delivering increasing
benefits over time, to support ever more effective
identity management across the UK. The
introduction of the National Identity Scheme
will be incremental not a `big bang'. Even
now, we are adding to and enhancing our
existing systems and services to ensure that
the Scheme delivers.
79. As already stated, our strategy for delivery is to
make best use of existing assets and investment.
Within this, we will continue to explore (with
other parts of government and the supplier
market) innovative options for delivery of
the Scheme's services. As discussed below, we
expect to put in place flexible and responsive
commercial arrangements to enable us to
achieve this.
Comment: It's still all about The Scheme isnt it. It ought to be about the best and most pragmatic way to acheve The Objectives or The Benefits. In order to help The Citizen, and save the burden on The Taxpayer, ... Reply?.
80. An important aspect of our preparation is how
we engage with private sector partners to deliver
the services needed to make the Scheme a reality.
During 2005, the Identity and Passport Service
(IPS) commenced its market engagement by
taking soundings on a potential procurement
strategy and its implementation. Intellect's
Concept Viability Scheme was used as part of
this process. Now that the Identity Cards Act
2006 is in place, we have used that market input
and further work on priorities and planning to
refine our strategies for delivery. The intention is
to update the market on the new propositions
(through a briefing pack available on our
website and with other public information),
with further engagement and consultation
taking place during early 2007. This will lead
up to significant procurement activity beginning
in the second quarter of 2007.
81. The procurement approach will harness the
knowledge gained from earlier market soundings.
We will be outcome-focused and will work in
collaboration with the market to define solutions
and long-term strategies. As part of this we will
consult with the market on how best to `package'
the services needed. In addition to the detail of
the consultation, we will be looking at how the
market can deliver speedily and flexibly, while
achieving value for money.
82. There are a number of key passport-related
contracts within IPS that are due to expire over
the next few years. By adopting an incremental
approach, IPS will seek to put contracts out
to tender in a manner that will promote the
continued successful delivery of passport
operations and enable the development of new
capabilities for future Scheme delivery. We
believe that this approach reduces risk and
provides best value for money.
83. During 2007, we will begin the work to put in
place new commercial arrangements for key
parts of the Scheme, including the following:
Joint ventures
84. We plan to initiate a series of joint ventures
strategic partnerships across government and the
private sector that will shape the development
of the Scheme.
85. The Government has said
(Cabinet Office (November 2005) Transformational Government: Enabled by Technology)
that it wants ID cards
and the NIR to be the `glue' that allows personal
and identity-related data to be joined up across
government. Through these joint ventures, we
aim to build confidence in and support for the
National Identity Scheme among those people
who have enrolled, people in the public sector
and people in business. We also aim to tackle
identity-related business challenges and to
improve the customer experience for all those
(the individual, as well as the private and public
sectors) who interact with government services.
It is important to stress that the use of the NIR
here will be to provide proof of identity to joint
venture partners, by only providing identity-
related data that is specific to the partner's
business process not to provide wider access
to the full set of data that the NIR holds.
Comment: Is this based on any evidence about how people want to deal with government in an e-enabled world? Or is it wishful thinking by a group of people with a certain view of the world and a reluctance to engage ... Reply?.
86. The first joint venture initiatives have been
selected on a priority basis, based on their
attractiveness and achievability. They are a
mixture of initiatives both to make access to
services and proper use of identity data easier,
and to make fraudulent use of identity, illegal
working and illegal immigration harder. The
following joint ventures have been prioritised for
early development:
Comment: Retailers will now more easily be able to track what people buy. Cash tells them nothing. Cash plus ID tells them what, when and who.
Watch for function creep in retail to cover the web ... Reply?.
Comment: It's been said many times before but let's say it again. If you have to prove anything to buy fags, it's just that you're over 16. It's not who you are. It's not even your date of birth. A green light ... Reply?.
Comment: But hang on, that's the ONLY half-worthwhile thing you claim The Scheme will do. So if the Gateway does it, what's the point? (Anyway, I thought Government Connent did it. So what's the point of that?) Reply?.
Trialling and piloting
87. We will build upon the trialling work carried
out to date both to learn lessons from a
`customer experience' perspective and to prove
the effectiveness of the technology and processes
that we plan to adopt. Excellent work in this
area has already been carried out by IPS, IND
and UKvisas, and this will inform our trialling
plans going forward. Trialling will be based on
analysis from IPS's risk management strategy of
what is necessary, and on input from suppliers
and the market. The following are some of the
key features of our approach to trialling
and piloting:
Recruitment Refining our estimate of Scheme costs
89. In accordance with the Identity Cards Act 2006,
a report of the estimated costs of the National
Identity Scheme was laid before Parliament on
9 October 2006(Identity Cards Act 2006: First Section 37 report to Parliament about the likely costs
(presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 37 of the Identity Cards Act 2006).
The report estimated the
costs of issuing passports and ID cards over
the coming 10 years at some £5.4 billion
(excluding the cost of issuing documents to
foreign nationals), much of which will be
recovered from fees. We will continue to revise
our estimates of the costs of implementing the
Scheme as work proceeds, and will provide
regular updates to Parliament; the next is
scheduled for April 2007. As part of it, we will
be validating the estimated costs of the work set
out in this Action Plan. We will have updated
the business case in the light of the approach set
out in this document and will be subjecting it
to independent scrutiny, including through the
Office of Government Commerce Gateway
process over the coming months.
Leadership in identity management
90. IPS will continue to lead collaborative work
across government to improve identity
management and to help to ensure that this fits
with the related changes prompted by Sir David
Varney's review and the Government's strategy
on data sharing, both of which aim to enable
better, person-centred public services.
91. Government and business have a shared interest
in accurate and accessible information about the
customers of their services and in building
public confidence in how identity information is
used. The Public Private Forum on Identity
(See www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/press/2006/press_51_06.cfm for more information).
chaired by Sir James Crosby, who
was appointed by the Chancellor of the
Exchequer, is considering these issues, and how
the public and private sectors can work together
to deliver real improvements for individuals. The
forum will report to the Chancellor of the
Exchequer and the Ministerial Committee on
Identity Management in April 2007.
Comment: I think that "shared interests" masks a serious fallacy. I think its naive and dangerous, rather than Machiavellian. Business wants to know more about its customers, yes, but it's a VERY DIFFERENT INTEREST ... Reply?.
92. Within the Home Office we are already working
on simplifying and improving the way we
handle identity information. Over time, we will
be able to link people to a single identity across
our systems using biometrics.
A really effective identity management scheme is
essential in order to shape public services around
the citizen and realise the goal of truly joined-up
and personalised government.
Annex 1: Actions up to 2009By April 2007
By June 2007
By end of 2007
By end of 2008
By end of 2009
Comment: The first citizens compelled to receive these ID cards should be those MPs who have voted in favour of the legislation, so that when the inevitable security problems and leaks are identified it is they ... Reply?.
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