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![]() Contents:Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
Comment: I think in fairness, good practice and careful implementation of law will result in slow ammendments to data protection legislation.
The problem however is that existing law is not enforced, sanctions ... Reply?.
December 2007
1. On 21 November, the Prime Minister announced that he had asked the
Cabinet Secretary, with the advice of security experts, to work with
Departments to ensure that all Departments and all agencies check their
procedures for the storage and use of data.
2. The terms of reference for the work are to examine:
and to make recommendations on improvements that should be made.
3. The work is proceeding in parallel with, but will be informed by, the
separate work being conducted:
Comment: Yup, and the NAO internal review presumably, and anything more being done by any of the Select Committees. is there much more apart from that? Reply?.
4. All Government Departments and agencies are currently involved in an
intensive process of examining and improving where necessary their data
handling arrangements. The scope of the review covers UK government
Departments only, but the devolved administrations are being kept informed
of work as it progresses. Given that data are often shared across boundaries,
all the relevant administrations recognise the importance of working together
on this issue, although it is for each to reach decisions on the detail of their
own arrangements.
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
Comment: This needs some cort of preamble like "These episodes have rightly shocked people. If we're to be seen to get our house in order, we first of all relly and that means we must in reality actually get it ... Reply?.
5. This document provides a brief update on progress of the work in
advance of a final report expected in Spring 2008. It summarises the work
that has taken place to date across Government.
6. This work will continue, with particular focus on arrangements in place in
arms-length bodies and contractors, transfer of data on removable media,
safe disposal of classified waste, and with a programme to tighten procedures
for any data stored outside the UK. Work will cover both the safe
management of data within given Departments as well as data sharing,
including with statutory regulators and scrutiny bodies.
Protection of data by Government
7. There are close links between the action needed to protect personal
information in Government and day to day management of the business of
public service, and Departments are best placed to understand the nature and
sensitivity of the particular information they hold. As a result, responsibility for
ensuring that the necessary arrangements to protect data are in place must
always primarily rest with individual Departments. Government must ensure
that Departments exercise that responsibility within an appropriate legal and
administrative framework, and support them in doing so, while recognising the
differences in the challenges that they face.
Comment: Hm. To an extent. But also
- Cab Off (and CESG) are responsible for some of the key policies that have got us into this mess - we're all in this together. One nitwit in one department loses ... Reply?.
8. New approaches to delivery of public services and new technology
present new challenges in ensuring the right protection for information. Some
of the ways in which Government as a whole has adapted the legal and
administrative framework include:
Comment: Yes, but above all everything it has done to move towards centralised databases, the creation of a culture in which "data sharing" is a benefit per se, pursuit of the notion of personlaised services based ... Reply?.
9. In 2003, the Government established in the Cabinet Office the Central
Sponsor for Information Assurance (CSIA). CSIA is responsible for providing
strategic direction in information assurance across Government, guided by a
National Strategy for Information Assurance. Under this Strategy, refreshed
in 2007, CSIA provides guidance to Departments in the management of
10. The Government constantly develops guidance to support Departments
and agencies and keep up with changes in technologies. Advice on the
management of information risks is available from the British Standards
Institute in the ISO 27000 family of standards for information security
management systems. These were developed in close co-operation with
experts in the Cabinet Office and CESG, the part of GCHQ that acts as the
National Technical Authority for Information Assurance, to address the full
range of information security policy and good practice. They are reflected in a
set of information security standards developed for Government, and
incorporated in the Government's Manual of Protective Security. This was
first issued in 1994, and has been regularly refreshed since then.
Comment: Regrettably this panoply of impressive-sounding standards, guidance and experts has been found sorely wanting in practice. Reply?.
11. The National Information Assurance Strategy provides a framework for
considerable activity, including:
Comment: yes, but what about the threats FROM government? They're the ones you miss, and which fatally undermine trust Reply?.
12. Under the DPA, the Information Commissioner has a general duty to
promote good practice by data controllers and in particular to promote the
observance of the requirements of the Act by data controllers. In fulfilment of
this, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has published a series of
guides designed to make data protection simpler, targeted at organisations
and individuals alike.
Update on progress
13. The work to date has primarily focused on examining arrangements in
place for storage and use of data within the existing framework. Heads of
Department have been asked to ensure that arrangements applied meet the
policies and standards laid down centrally, and that there are robust
procedures to ensure that they are followed properly.
14. The focus in these early stages has been on policy and procedure, but
has involved Departments identifying specific instances of potential data
compromise. As part of good practice, Departments should routinely notify
the Information Commissioner of any significant instances of potential data
loss and this process will continue as the work progresses. The Information
Commissioner has indicated that on the basis of the information he has
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
received so far, none of the instances appear to present a substantial risk to
large numbers of individuals.
15. As set out above, within the overall framework for information assurance,
responsibility for ensuring that the necessary procedures and operations to
protect data are in place must always primarily rest with individual
Departments. All Departments have taken action to remind staff of their
responsibilities as regards data handling. Departments have also instigated
work to check internal compliance with policies and standards, with particular
focus on the transfer of data on removable media and the safe disposal of
classified waste.
16. Individual Departments face different challenges according to the nature
and sensitivity of the data that they hold and its volume. Following the initial
work, all are taking specific actions tailored to their circumstances. The
material below summarises some of the actions being taken in Departments.
17. The Cabinet Office is reviewing its internal security policies in light of the
recent HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) data loss. Departmental data
copying is already audited by an automated software product and further
enhancements to encryption procedures are underway.
18. The Crown Prosecution Service has over 600 sites attached to its
network. It is re-examining a small number of areas, including access to
portable media, the encryption of backup tapes and the arrangements for
local back-ups to ensure that current arrangements are secure.
19. The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is
reassessing its risks associated with data sharing. Staff have been reminded
of existing policies and procedures, ensuring that the interdependency
between information management and security is well understood and the
links tightened. BERR is also engaged in work with its arms-length bodies to
ensure that these policies and procedures are understood and applied.
20. The Department for Children, Schools and Families has reminded all
staff about their data and information security responsibilities. It has
commissioned an independent review of the current and proposed information
security arrangements for the ContactPoint project — a key element of the
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
project to transform and combine information on children's services. An initial
positive report has been given, with the main report due for completion in
January 2008.
Comment: ContactPoint is inherently insecure, because it has a very large number of users (300,000+) and a large number of data administrators (each LA will have its own data administration team). Data in ContactPoint ... Reply?.
21. The Department for Communities and Local Government has a
knowledge management strategy that seeks to embed recognition amongst
staff that data are valuable resources that must be protected with proper
procedures in place for their management. All major system owners are
instructing their contractors and partners of the need for high standards of
data management. This is being extended to arms-length bodies.
22. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport works with a wide range of
organisations including 2012 Olympic delivery partners. DCMS's information
management strategy is under review, as part of a long term business
transformation programme. Guidance has recently been produced for arms-
length bodies on information assurance and further guidance is being
considered on information management. In addition, specific work on
information flows and management across the 2012 delivery partners has
been commissioned, with recommendations due by the end of January 2008.
23. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is carrying out
a review of compliance with information assurance procedures. Its delivery
bodies are also being asked to review their procedures and implement any
necessary improvements.
24. The Department for Health is already undertaking a major review of NHS
information systems to cover the Department, the NHS and all arms-length
bodies. Following the Medical Training Applications Service breach the
Department has signed an undertaking with the Information Commissioner to
improve departmental policies. Subject to Parliamentary approval of the
Health Bill, a National Information Governance Board with statutory authority
will be established. Following the HMRC data loss, all staff have been
reminded of security procedures and discussions with internal audit are
underway to conduct a review of personal data handling within the
25. The Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills is a recently
formed Department and has adopted procedures from its predecessor
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
Departments. It has commissioned an independent review in support of its
data handling procedures. An action plan will be instigated upon receipt of
the review.
26. Whilst the Department for International Development does not hold large
amounts of personal data relating to members of the public, it does hold
significant volumes of commercial and security data. It takes a risk-based
approach to information security and is reviewing its decisions on the controls
over the storage, retrieval and transmission of all sensitive data.
27. The Department for Transport has been reviewing its data security and
is tightening data management as a result. Measures include accelerating
plans to transfer data electronically, wherever this is reasonably practicable
and cost effective, merging databases to avoid the need to transfer data
between locations and regular reporting on information management. In
addition the Permanent Secretary has written to senior officials in the
Department — including Agency Chief Executives — drawing their attention to
current guidance on the application of the DPA.
28. The Department for Work and Pensions, which deals with large numbers
of citizens, has, following the HMRC data loss, put in place a temporary ban
on physical transfer of data on removable media. Refreshed guidance is
being produced for staff to inform them when secure services must be used to
transfer personal data. A secure same day courier service has been
developed. The same day provision is a robust full track-and-trace courier
service with dedicated drivers from collection to delivery points. DWP have
established a task force and a senior executive to oversee the work.
29. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has previously made substantial
investment to ensure it adheres to information security standards, and is
working closely with CESG in the accreditation and monitoring of its systems.
The FCO is due to issue reinforced instructions to UKVisas staff on data
protection issues and will issue additional DPA guidance to all staff to
emphasise and advise on the practical implications of the Act's security
requirement. The FCO will use the information collected for this review as the
basis for regular oversight of the handling of its major accumulations of
personal data.
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
30. The Home Office published a corporate strategy on information in
February as part of its Reform Programme for public protection started in July
2006. This is being reviewed in the light of recent events. An independent
review commissioned prior to the HMRC data loss will report early in the New
Year and any issues raised will be addressed. Since the HMRC data loss, the
Home Office Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) and Chief Information
Officer (CIO) have briefed all Directors on their responsibilities, as well as
tasking network Security Compliance Officers to reinforce key messages on
data and protective security measures.
31. HM Revenue and Customs has taken a number of steps to strengthen
its data security arrangements since the recent data loss. It is co-operating
fully with the external reviews, including the review by Kieran Poynter, and
other investigations looking at the specifics of the incident, as well as wider
data security issues. Recommendations emanating from these studies are
likely to cover security management standards and data handling. Specific
actions already taken include the appointment of a senior official, Director of
Data Security, and the appointment of Data Guardians to all areas within
HMRC. Key principles for data handling and security have been revised in a
new set of operating standards and guidance for all staff. Improvements and
controls have been put in place regarding removable media and its transfer —
including restrictions on personal computers to prevent download to
removable media. Longer term strategic solutions to data security are being
discussed, including the use of electronic data transfers, which would lead to
a reduced usage of removable media. HM Treasury is enhancing its own staff
education and training in security backed by senior management leadership
and increased emphasis on compliance.
32. The Ministry of Defence has reassessed its policies and procedures in
light of the incident with HMRC data, and is taking forward work to ensure that
bulk data transfers are better protected and will make more explicit the need
for early involvement of Data Protection Act specialists. MoD is seeking to
achieve the same consistency in assessing the sensitivity of non-operational
data in terms of impact level and classification as it routinely does with
operational and research-based systems.
33. The Ministry of Justice is a new organisation, and is rolling out new
policies and procedures. Work includes reviewing the means by which
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
guidance is disseminated and made available to staff, the overall corporate
governance arrangements for information management, training provisions,
and arrangements for bulk data transfer and outsourcing. The Ministry of
Justice is aiming to complete this work by April 2008. In addition, subject to
the outcomes of the wider Government review, the Ministry of Justice will
undertake an audit of data protection compliance by April 2008.
34. The Northern Ireland Office is developing governance provisions to
emphasise further senior management's ownership of information assurance,
and undertaking a review of policy and procedure documents. Relevant
training provisions are also under examination in order to increase
understanding of these issues across the Department. The NIO board is
focusing on the enhancement of governance arrangements and on direct
accountability to the board for risk management and information assurance.
This work will relate both to NIO and its arms-length bodies.
Next steps
35. Work on the specifics of data handling arrangements, some of which has
been described above, will continue. As noted above, there is a wide range of
activity taking place within Departments, including with delivery bodies
reporting to them, as well as the general work to focus on the transfer of data
on removable media and the safe disposal of classified waste. A programme
will be put in place to tighten procedures for any data stored outside the UK.
Work will cover both the safe management of data within given Departments
as well as data sharing, including with statutory regulators and scrutiny
36. In parallel, the work will examine the overall framework within which
Departments manage information.
37. Even the most sophisticated systems for data handling — including best
practice in the private sector — will never be entirely risk-free. Government
holds a huge variety and amount of information on citizens and businesses.
Some Departments maintain a wide range of information systems themselves,
each holding a significant number of records. To deliver public services
effectively and efficiently, information needs to be shared between different
parts of Government.
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
38. Equally, the public have a right to expect the information that they
provide to Government will be held securely and used appropriately. The
Government's ability to deliver and improve public services relies on high
levels of public trust. Government has always regarded personal data of
citizens as a critical asset akin to the most sensitive financial and other
information handled within Departments. This should continue to be
Government's underlying principle. The challenge is to ensure that
information is collected, used, and, where appropriate, shared, effectively and
39. Given the nature of the systems and processes involved, as well as
future changes in technology and services, work on information assurance will
always be an ongoing process. In common with the private sector, the
challenge will remain one of risk management and constant improvement,
within an overall approach of managing information to support service
40. Further work around the framework within which Departments can
operate and how they can be best supported in doing so will include
consideration of:
41. Some initial recommendations in these areas can however be made on
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
the basis of the work to date, which are set out below.
42. It is clear that more can be done to improve trust and confidence about
the arrangements in place to protect information in Government.
Transparency should be a powerful tool in this respect. As a first step,
Government should commit to enhanced transparency with Parliament and
the public about action to safeguard information and the results of that action.
Departments should cover information assurance issues in their annual
reports. Ministers should present to Parliament an annual report on the issue
as a whole.
43. As set out above, the responsibility for ensuring that the necessary
arrangements to protect data are in place must always primarily rest with
individual Departments. There is more that can be done to ensure that this
primary line of accountability works as well as it could do. Government should
revise guidance to Departmental Accounting Officers, to ensure that their
annual Statements of Internal Control explicitly include the systematic
coverage of information assurance. Systematic notification of this material
and any significant incidents during the year to the Cabinet Office and the
Information Commissioner should ensure that emerging cross-cutting themes
and lessons are identified and shared as necessary.
44. Legislative steps should be taken to enhance the ability of the
Information Commissioner to provide external scrutiny of arrangements. The
Government has already announced the powers to permit 'spot checks' on
central Government Departments, and should commit to extending this to the
entire public sector, and consult early in the New Year on how this can best
be achieved and funded. The review commissioned in October from Richard
Thomas (the Information Commissioner) and Mark Walport of the Wellcome
Trust will look at the issues around personal data in both the public and
private sectors. The Government should consult quickly with those potentially
affected on how the relevant recommendations can best be achieved.
45. Similarly, the Government should commit in principle to the introduction
of new sanctions under the Data Protection Act for the most serious breaches
of its principles. Such proposals will have to take account of the need not only
to provide high levels of data security, but also ensure that sensible data
sharing practices can be conducted in an environment of legal certainty.
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Interim Progress Report
These proposals should be covered in the same consultation process.
46. Government should build on the steps already taken, to continue to
develop the mechanisms by which Departments are supported in the exercise
of their responsibilities towards data security. Government-wide guidance to
those involved in data handling, setting clear common standards and
procedures for Departments on data security, should be further reviewed,
focusing on the support provided to those performing particular roles, such as
the Senior Information Risk Officer. Given the importance of data to
improving public service delivery and in tackling crime including fraud, such
guidance should not only cover questions of security, but also a requirement
on the owners of significant public sector information assets to consider how
they can best be used to support the delivery of public services or to help to
tackle crime, consistent with high levels of data protection and legal
47. A further report will be made in Spring 2008.
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