Welcome to open and transparent Labour Party policy discussionThis is an unofficial service provided by Save the Labour Party, Compass Youth and the CommentOnThis.com team What's the difference?CommentOnThis.com (CoT) is hosting all the documents issued by the Labour Party earlier this week, plus the covering letter by Labour Party leader, and official Labour Party guidance for submitting amendments. There is ONE big difference. On this site you are able to comment, amend and suggest rewrites to any item, and everyone else will be able to see what you think. This is the first time Labour Party members will be able to share each others views since Partnership in Power was adopted by Annual Conference in 1997 - a rolling policy review replacing policy resolutions to Annual Conference. Since 1997, comments, amendments and re-writes have been seen by Labour Party staff only. How to have your say1. Find the policy subject of interest to you. We have included a Contents section for each of the six documents with links to take you directly to the section(s) of interest to you. 2. If you have a comment to make - Click on "Comment on This" on the right of the text, and write what you think.
What will happen to the CommentOnThis results?Save the Labour Party is still pressing the Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader Gordon Brown MP and NEC chair, Dianne Hayter, to include this open, transparent and convenient method of policy consultation officially. If they continue to resist change, then at least everyone else will be able to compare official policy positions with those expressed here. As the Labour Party wants to reach out to the whole community, we expect that ideas posted here to be reflected in amendments to Labour Party policy. The deadline for amendments is 20 June. The full formal procedure is set out in the official guidance document. Just pick the document and say what you think. QueriesIf you have any queries about the Labour Party documents or comments on this service, please contact: Peter Kenyon, chair - Save the Labour Party office@savethelabourparty.org or Samuel Tarry - chair - Compass Youth youthchair@compassonline.org.ukSTLP and CY also wish to thank Emily Randall, Sam Smith and others behind commentOnThis.com for their ideas and the site. |