Cities of London and Westminster
We believe Labour's role in modern society is to work through government, civic society and local communities for a more equal distribution of income, power, wealth, resources and voice, starting with the way in which we run our own affairs in the Labour Party as an example for the country and the world as a whole.
We believe that an important contribution to achieving this shift will be a determined drive to invest in preventative healthcare as well treatment of sickness, in fulfilling older years as well as care, in supporting vulnerable groups and alienated young people as well as a fair and swift system of criminal justice, in strengthening the rights of the disadvantaged and marginalized – in short an investment in prevention as well as cure so as to create a sustainable economic future for society and deliver real equality of opportunity for all.
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
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Labour is committed to nurturing and maintaining good health, and providing world class services to combat illness and disease. We will refocus on prevention as having as great an importance to people generally as cure in the event of ill-health.
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
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The National Health Service is placed upon it in the future.
Sixty years ago we founded the National Health Service. It is among the fairest systems of health-care in the world and one of Labour's greatest achievements. As a beacon of cherished public service, we are committed to learn the lessons in other sectors of public provision. Over the past 11 years we have reversed the under-investment of previous governments in the NHS. The challenge now is to implement a crucial shift to prioritise investment in prevention in order to reduce the cost of cure. We are confident that people will gain a personal understanding of the opportunity for a better quality of life from healthy living and regular exercise with more investment in education, public transport and other public amenities under Labour. This will enable public spending savings to be achieved, so that scarce health-care resources can be concentrated on those less fortunate members of society who suffer ill-health through no fault of their own.