Cities of London and Westminster CLP

We believe Labour's role in modern society is to work through government, civic society and local communities for a more equal distribution of income, power, wealth, resources and voice, starting with the way in which we run our own affairs in the Labour Party as an example for the country and the world as a whole.

We believe that an important contribution to achieving this shift will be a determined drive to invest in preventative healthcare as well treatment of sickness, in fulfilling older years as well as care, in supporting vulnerable groups and alienated young people as well as a fair and swift system of criminal justice, in strengthening the rights of the disadvantaged and marginalized – in short an investment in prevention as well as cure so as to create a sustainable economic future for society and deliver real equality of opportunity for all. (link)


In my area Sure Start provision is based on where you live and not need. (link)


Rigourous testing and target regimes in our Primary schools are killing off any elements of enjoyment. (link)


Yet at the same time Labour is developing the 'hidden' private sector by encouraging the development of academies. (link)


Line 29. Delete 'new' (link)


Delete lines 10 -14 and replace with:- 'We support the findings of the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee that SATS dominate the curriculum and teachers teach to the test. SATs should be replaced by teacher assessment in line with the practice in Scotland and Wales.' (link)


Delete lines 16 -19 (link)


Delete lines 16 -19 (link)


Delete the sentence 'Labour remains ... a good school' and replace by 'We want to make every school a good school' (link)


Delete lines 30 to 34 (link)


Line 47 Add the following sentence between '..Code.' and "Additionally ..':- 'We now intend to go further and ensure that no child has to face selective entry tests for secondary education (except banding) by ending selection on ability and aptitude.' (link)


Cities of London and Westminster CLP

Page 15, line 6 ff at end of this section add:

Labour will reflect this recognition of the role of further education by tackling head on the perception of the sector as the Cinderella of the education sector in Ministerial priorities and speeches, in investment decisions and in addressing the disparities in pay and reward policies between schools and colleges. (link)


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