The Review of Voting Systems mentioned here concludes that countries with propotional voting systems typically have turnouts of between 5-10% higher than ours. If we take seriously the comment that parties "should do all they can to encourage people to participate", the government's own advice would suggest we need to look as a matter of urgency at moving to PR elections for the Commons. (
Our democratic process also needs to guard against the tyranny of the minority - ie. when the voting system gives a single party monopoly control of the executive on a minority share of the vote. We should take the credit for bringing in PR in Scotland, Wales, London etc for precisely this reason. (
After ... interaction with the House of Commons ... Add.. But we will always ensure that the right to justice can only be available to everyone by a strong legal aid system and to ensure the ready availability of such a system will ensure that it will become a major source of income to those barristers who elect to represent those who cannot afford to seek justice (
after .. causes of crime. add ... We will also introduce laws to counter the growing trend of tax evasion which is a crime visited upon all of the population.
After ... over the last decade ... add ... To complement this achievement we will also look at sentencing policies in order to replace incarceration in prison with a regime best suited for the rehabilitation of non-violent criminals based upon work-based initiatives. (
after ... support they need ... add ...but will also include giving our youth other options than just school to develop their aspirations, (
Insert “offer fair and effective resolution of cvil disputes” (
Insert “offer fair and effective resolution of cvil disputes” (
Insert “Independent advice provided by the not for profit sector provides higher quality and more effective service for the most disadvantaged people than that provided by the commercial sector. We will ensure the preservation of this kind of advice by transferring the civil legal aid budget to local authorities and abolishing the Legal Services Commission. We will abolish the rule that citizens who succeed in court cases against Government Departments cannot get their costs, as that encourages bureaucrats to defend cases which are indefensible” (
After ..union equality representatives to increase fairness at work; and considering where positive action provisions can enable faster progress to be made towards equality objectives.
. modern practices ... add...... and we will reinforce the unions role as the arbiter and monitor of equality in the workplace. (
After ..union equality representatives to increase fairness at work; and considering where positive action provisions can enable faster progress to be made towards equality objectives. . add...... and we will reinforce the unions role as the arbiter and monitor of equality in the workplace.