Cities of London and Westminster CLP
We believe Labour's role in modern society is to work through government, civic society and local communities for a more equal distribution of income, power, wealth, resources and voice, starting with the way in which we run our own affairs in the Labour Party as an example for the country and the world as a whole.
We believe that an important contribution to achieving this shift will be a determined drive to invest in preventative healthcare as well treatment of sickness, in fulfilling older years as well as care, in supporting vulnerable groups and alienated young people as well as a fair and swift system of criminal justice, in strengthening the rights of the disadvantaged and marginalized – in short an investment in prevention as well as cure so as to create a sustainable economic future for society and deliver real equality of opportunity for all.
This is motherhood and apple pie. No-one could disagree with this but it is going to require tremendous political will and a lot of money to achieve it. (
This is motherhood and apple pie. No-one could disagree with this but it is going to require tremendous political will and a lot of money to achieve it. (
The Caerphilly CLP plans to hold a Policy Forum discussion on climate change with 6th formers from within the Caerphilly borough, we believe young people should have an input into a topic as they will have to live with whatever policies are/are not made to tackle this vital topic (
Peter Kenyon Cities of London and Westminster
I share the sentiments in this section. But I think we need to commit to do much more to encourage the efficient use of energy, especially in the home, as well as investment in renewables. (
If this is serious and not just greenwash then aviation and shipping emissions need to be included in the climate change bill. Additionally airport expansion needs to be stopped if we are to seriously reduce emissions. (
Page 2, line 18 Insert at the beginning: We accept that everyone is entitled to affordable housing, whether for rent or to buy in the private or social sector.
Page 2 line 19 Delete: We will avoid the housing policy mistakes of the past while ensuring a step change in supply to deliver new homes for those looking to buy or rent in the private or social sector.
Insert : We will enable local government to invest directly in new housing stock to ensure a step change in supply to offer wider choice for those looking for a home.
Section now reads:
We accept that everyone is entitled to affordable housing, whether for rent or to buy in the private or social sector. We are working to deliver the new homes that Britain’s young families, and prospective first time buyers need. In doing so we will promote the idea of mixed and sustainable communities. We will enable local government to invest directly in new housing stock to ensure a step change in supply to offer wider choice for those looking for a home. In delivering new housing, and in some cases new communities, we will ensure that the necessary transport links and amenities are in place.
The above amendments have been submitted by Cities of London and Westminster CLP (
P3 - line 2 ..After ... or social sector .... add ...this will be achieved by building more council housing and will ensure that 20 – 30% of housing association housing should be earmarked as ‘council’ housing and we will encourage ‘Cooperative’ schemes. - submitted by Weston CLP (
An independent committee on 'Climate Change' shall be established to advise the Government. (
P3 Line 7 after .. we will undertake to hypothecate any taxes imposed to change behaviours will be spent on additional cheaper and convenient public transport. - submitted by Weston CLP (
If this is serious then the climate change bill must include aviation and shipping and there must be a halt to the expansion of airports and the road system and that investment put into rail. (
There needs to be a pay as you throw tax and a serious increase in the costs of landfill to really focus people on reducing waste. In addition the government needs to work more aggressively with the supermarkets to reduce packaging. (
Consistency in local authority recycling policies would be a significant step forward. (
Labour is committed to working within an effective European single market to inprove the situation. (
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Page 6, line 3 Insert: Labour is committed to mobilising the country to recognise that we can enjoy a higher quality of life while reducing consumption of scare energy resources. We will provide incentives for every building to be insulated, energy consumption to be reduced, and water, sun and wind resources captured locally to reduce dependence on centrally generated or imported energy supplies. (
Britain signs up to a diverse energy supply with greater deployment of renewables, committed to achieving the UK's share of the EU target for 20% of all energy to come from renewable sources. (
The current energy policy is not sufficient to ensure the security of energy supplies and the wellbeing of our country. It lacks vision and to put it plainly is not bold enough. The problem comes from a lack of investment and a lack of incentives. We should be looking to renewables for our long term energy needs and not nuclear. If sufficient investment, incentives and regulation were put into place renewables would be able to play a much larger part of the UK's energy requirement. Nuclear is a mistake on many fronts. Waste still cannot be dealt with! (Government seems to forget about this) and we have major issues with safety. The result of a nuclear power station explosion would decimate the UK whether this is caused by human error or terrorism. May I add it is foreseeable that a terrorist would attempt to attack such a target and the result of this would end the country as we know it. (
Germany has been very successful with a feed-in tarriff - why can we not implement this? (
There will be a fuel strategy consultation document in early 2009 on the Carbon Reduction Commitment which is the first mandatory carbon trading scheme aimed at large commercial and public organisations. (
Then if the last sentence is true there is no business case for nuclear power. (
This is good but it needs real teeth (
Yes, but most housing already exists and are not carbon neutral. (
after ... to see that customers are getting a fair deal on pre-payment meters ... add ... 'We will increase the annual fuel payment so that it is restored to its original value and launch an inquiry into the huge profits being made by the privatised and monopolistic energy companies, and ensure that they provide value for money rather than enjoying vast profit margins to the detriment of our citizens?' - submitted by Weston CLP (
Insert ”Mobility is only one way of gaining access to goods and services of all kinds. We will work towards maximum accessibility with minimum mobility” (
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Page 9, line 3
Insert new introductory paragraph:
Labour is committed to encouraging a sustainable understanding of how best to ensure access to employment, leisure opportunities, education, friends and families, and move the goods around that enable us to feed, house, wash and clothe ourselves and the rest of society.
Without integrated ticketing throughout the UK we will not be able to deliver genuinely sustainable public transport. We must commit to extending integrated ticketing,a nd make its acceptance a condition of receiving public funding or using publicly funded facilities. (
We need to switch funding away from airports and motorways and into better public transport (
How come there is no mention of walking in this section? (
Peter Kenyon - Cities of London and Westminster
Martin - could you elaborate you point about walking? Pedestrian needs are mentioned in the section cited above.
Existing strategies to grow capacity risk a damaging diversion of investment to areas where there is already a successful rail network at the cost of areas that do not enjoy such a largely fortuitous blessing.
If investment in new capacity to relieve overcrowding is to be that - an investment - the returns from that investment should fund its cost, enabling government to make new long term investments in growing city regions networks in areas like the north east of England, where existing freight networks and easily re-opened lines could provide new networks that relieve congestion and open up economic opportunities to deprived areas. (
Insert ”We will plan for a significant increase in the capacity to carry cycles on trains” (
Local Authorities will be empowered to meet local transport needs and will have more flexibility to implement quality contract schemes.
Local Authorities will have the power to propose their own arrangements for local transport and governance to support more coherent planning, management and delivery of services. (
After possible prices ... add ... which will also include affordable ticketing to be based upon average earnings and enforced by the rail regulator. - submitted by Weston CLP (
The bus network in the United Kingdom is a shambles, estates are cut off from their nearest town thanks to Thatchers deregulation which has not been reversed by this so-called Laboru Government. A nationalised bus network is the only answer to sort out the mess. (
In London the Mayor drove tremendous improvements to the bus service but the rural bus services remain woefully inadequate. (
As someone over 60 I think this is a terrible waste of money. All free services should be means tested. (
The public transport system is very safe - more effort needs to be put into countering the propaganda that it is unsafe. (
Insert “We will move towards an expenditure of 10% of the transport budget on cycling and walking over the lifetime of the next Parliament”
Cyclists need to be licensed and reglated in the same way that car drivers are. Many of them are dangerous and abusive. (
after... play in any sustainable transport strategy ... add ... 'and can be encouraged by installing more bicycle lanes in our towns and cities.' - submitted by Weston CLP (
The only way to tackle this is by better public transport combined with road pricing and increased fuel duty to make driving unattractive. (
Insert “We will ensure that Local Transport Plans, can include statutory targets for reduction in urban traffic”
Delete this paragraph (
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Existing section - Page 13, line 37 Strong local authorities and leadership
Labour wants to promote strong, responsive local authorities and visible and accountable local leadership.
We see local councils as the paramount local authority commissioning and delivering services, creating strong neighbourhoods, promoting local democracy, and the legitimate forum for local party political debate and contests. We want to see local councils in their true light as vibrant, political, democratic organisations, run by democratically-elected councillors, served by professional officers, and not as local units of administration on behalf of national government or run by unelected officials.
Delete sentence line 41-43 (starting ..We see local ....and...ending ...debate and contests.) and insert:
We see local councils as having equal status with national and regional legislatures in the governance of the country with local revenue raising powers. This will help revive local democracy for the commissioning and delivering services, creating stronger neighbourhoods, and a legitimate forum for local party political debate and contests.
Insert “This will require significantly higher payments from those occupying the most expensive properties. For those who are asset rich but income poor this may take the form of a charge on the property in question”. (
Labour will give a commitment to returning all housing lost under 'Housing Stock Transfer' back to Local Authorities - the only open and democratically local accountable bodies. (
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Page 24, line 4 Insert : Labour recognises the contribution the arts and culture play in enhancing the quality of life of everyone, and uplifting community well-being, as well as making a significant contribution to achieving sustainable economic growth.
Page 24 line 5 Insert the word “Labour's” before “unprecedented”
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