What I need off you is something that has blank lines between paragraphs, and headings marked up as below. That's about it :) You don't need to worry about closing tags - the script knows that stuff should close and does it for you. Everything that can be automated, has been (I'm lazy), so all you need to make sure is that the structure of your document is right (ie blank lines and headings). You can use / to mark up bits that should be bold/italic where needed. The easiest software to do this in is notepad or similar. Use headings to mark up the headings at appropriate levels (main title being

, sections being

, subsections being

etc). That also means the index can build itself. See www.commentonthis.com/votingsystems.txt for an input document. As for paragraphs, once people have commented, we can pull out of the database what they're commenting on, and produce a different document for that. If we need to feed stuff back into their process simply, then we can sort that at a later stage. That may be us simply creating a word document with three columns, the paragraph number, the original text, and all the comments on that paragraph. But that we can sort later. Sam > > This is a sample of the HTML code used on "commentonthis.com" > > >
> > Government is not going to be expert at this overnight. We need to > experiment and learn > > in partnership. But I am confident we can meet the challenge set by this > Review: to > > unlock the value of the information we collect on behalf of citizens; to > deliver better > > public services; and to support world-class innovation that underpins a > growing part of > > our knowledge economy. Hilary Armstrong June 2007 > >
> > > >
> >


> >
> > > > > > The following is an example of the Labour Policy documents, having extracted > the text from the PDF file by a > > simple copy and paste: > > Introduction > > Labour's international policy is driven by Britain's national interest and > Labour's core values > > of social justice, equality and opportunity for all. In the last eleven years > Britain's role and > > influence has strengthened and we have witnessed unprecedented progress 5 > around the > > world with greater access to healthcare, education and a safer environment > for many. > > Labour has been at the forefront of this fight for global equality. However > in order to ensure > > progress continues to be made we must be vigilant to the new challenges we > face including > > 10 extremism and international terrorism, weapons proliferation, and failed > states and regional > > instability. > > > > A manual pass through an editor would give me something like this: > >


> > Labour's international policy is driven by Britain's national interest and > Labour's core values > of social justice, equality and opportunity for all. In the last eleven years > Britain's role and > influence has strengthened and we have witnessed unprecedented progress > around the > world with greater access to healthcare, education and a safer environment > for many. > > Labour has been at the forefront of this fight for global equality. However > in order to ensure > progress continues to be made we must be vigilant to the new challenges we > face including > extremism and international terrorism, weapons proliferation, and > failed states and regional > instability. > >